Award Submission Page

-Awards we've won-

The awards we offer may change from time to time.


#1.                                  #2.



1. Must be a clean site. No: nudity,racism,offensive language,etc...
2. If given an award, you must link it back to us at to appear on the winners list.
3. Signing the guestbook isn't a necessity, but it helps.
4. Your site must not be all links or contain alot of dead links.
5. The award image will be e-mailed to you if you are a winner.

-Winners List-

(The awards offered on this page are intended for but not limited to, sites on the following subjects: Aliens and UFOs, Bigfoot, Nessie and other creatures, Ghost and Spirits, Re-incarnation, Psychic Phenomenon, Remote Viewing, Ancient lost civilizations and cultures such as Atlantis or Ancient Egypt, Magick (not stage magic), Wicca, Celtic or Druid, and other believe systems, basically anything Paranormal or Supernatural. Please, no more X Files sites. It's a great show and everything, but it's just a show. Lets try to keep this to serious, informative sites that can benefit the one seeking such information.)


Just complete this form. Click on Submit when ready to send.
Good Luck!

Your name:

Email address:

Site URL:    

Site Title:    

Which award would you like?




A brief description of your site:

Any comments:



If the above form doesn't work for you, just e-mail us the information.

This Awards of the Web site is owned by
Chris Herring.

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